Namespace NodaTime.TimeZones
The NodaTime.TimeZones namespace contains types related to time zones beyond the core
DateTimeZone class in the NodaTime namespace. Most users will have no need
to refer to the types in this namespace.
Representation of a time zone converted from a System.TimeZoneInfo from the Base Class Library.
Provides a stable cache for time zone sources.
Exception thrown when time zone is requested from an IDateTimeZoneProvider,
but the specified ID is invalid for that provider.
Exception thrown to indicate that a time zone source has violated the conditions of IDateTimeZoneSource.
This exception is primarily intended to be thrown from DateTimeZoneCache, and only in the face of a buggy
source; user code should not usually need to be aware of this or catch it.
"Constant" fields representing commonly-used implementations of the resolver delegates,
and a method to combine two "partial" resolvers into a full one.
A location entry generated from the "" file in a TZDB release. This can be used to provide
users with a choice of time zone, although it is not internationalized.
Equality comparer for time zones, comparing specific aspects of the zone intervals within
a time zone for a specific interval of the time line.
Represents a range of time for which a particular Offset applies.
The result of mapping a LocalDateTime within a time zone, i.e. finding out
at what "global" time the "local" time occurred.
Provides the interface for objects that can retrieve time zone definitions given an ID.
Options to use when comparing time zones for equality. Each option makes the comparison more restrictive.
Resolves a LocalDateTime to a ZonedDateTime in the situation
where the requested local time is ambiguous, due to clocks moving backward in a time zone transition
(usually due to an autumnal daylight saving transition).
Resolves a LocalDateTime to a ZonedDateTime in the situation
where the requested local time does not exist, due to clocks moving forward in a time zone transition
(usually due to a spring daylight saving transition).
Resolves a local date and time into a target time zone according to some policy.