Enum IsoDayOfWeek
Equates the days of the week with their numerical value according to
ISO-8601. This corresponds with System.DayOfWeek except for Sunday, which
is 7 in the ISO numbering and 0 in System.DayOfWeek.
Since 1.0.x
Availability net6.0, netstandard2.0
Namespace: NodaTime
Assembly: NodaTime.dll
public enum IsoDayOfWeek
Name | Description |
Friday | Value representing Friday (5). |
Monday | Value representing Monday (1). |
None | Value indicating no day of the week; this will never be returned by any IsoDayOfWeek property, and is not valid as an argument to any method. |
Saturday | Value representing Saturday (6). |
Sunday | Value representing Sunday (7). |
Thursday | Value representing Thursday (4). |
Tuesday | Value representing Tuesday (2). |
Wednesday | Value representing Wednesday (3). |