Enum PeriodUnits
The units within a Period. When a period is created to find the difference between two local values,
the caller may specify which units are required - for example, you can ask for the difference between two dates
in "years and weeks". Units are always applied largest-first in arithmetic.
Since 2.1.x
Availability net6.0, netstandard2.0
Namespace: NodaTime
Assembly: NodaTime.dll
public enum PeriodUnits
Name | Description |
AllDateUnits | Compound value representing the combination of Years, Months, Weeks and Days. |
AllTimeUnits | Compound value representing the combination of all time elements. |
AllUnits | Compound value representing the combination of all possible elements. |
DateAndTime | Compound value representing the combination of all possible elements except weeks. |
Days | Days element within a Period |
HourMinuteSecond | Compound value representing the combination of Hours, Minutes and Seconds. |
Hours | Hours element within a Period |
Milliseconds | Milliseconds element within a Period |
Minutes | Minutes element within a Period |
Months | Months element within a Period |
Nanoseconds | Nanoseconds element within a Period. |
None | Value indicating no units - an empty period. |
Seconds | Seconds element within a Period |
Ticks | Tick element within a Period |
Weeks | Weeks element within a Period |
YearMonthDay | Compound value representing the combination of Years, Months and Days. |
Years | Years element within a Period |