Namespace NodaTime
The NodaTime namespace contains the core types for Noda Time,
including the main public classes for time zone and calendar support
which have implementations (and less frequently used types) in other
namespaces. For formatting and parsing functionality, see the
NodaTime.Text namespace.
Exception thrown to indicate that the specified local date/time occurs twice
in a particular time zone due to daylight saving time changes.
A calendar system maps the non-calendar-specific "local time line" to human concepts
such as years, months and days.
An interval between two dates.
Represents a time zone - a mapping between UTC and local time. A time zone maps UTC instants to local times
- or, equivalently, to the offset from UTC at any particular instant.
Static access to date/time zone providers built into Noda Time and for global configuration where this is unavoidable.
All properties are thread-safe, and the providers returned by the read-only properties cache their results.
Useful constants, mostly along the lines of "number of milliseconds in an hour".
Represents a period of time expressed in human chronological terms: hours, days,
weeks, months and so on.
A mutable builder class for Period values. Each property can
be set independently, and then a Period can be created from the result
using the Build() method.
Exception thrown to indicate that the specified local time doesn't
exist in a particular time zone due to daylight saving time changes.
Singleton implementation of IClock which reads the current system time.
It is recommended that for anything other than throwaway code, this is only referenced
in a single place in your code: where you provide a value to inject into the rest of
your application, which should only depend on the interface.
A clock with an associated time zone and calendar. This is effectively a convenience
class decorating an IClock.
Represents an annual date (month and day) in the ISO calendar but without a specific year,
typically for recurrent events such as birthdays, anniversaries, and deadlines.
Represents a fixed (and calendar-independent) length of time.
Represents an instant on the global timeline, with nanosecond resolution.
An interval between two instants in time (start and end).
LocalDate is an immutable struct representing a date within the calendar,
with no reference to a particular time zone or time of day.
A date and time in a particular calendar system. A LocalDateTime value does not represent an
instant on the global time line, because it has no associated time zone: "November 12th 2009 7pm, ISO calendar"
occurred at different instants for different people around the world.
LocalTime is an immutable struct representing a time of day, with no reference
to a particular calendar, time zone or date.
An offset from UTC in seconds. A positive value means that the local time is
ahead of UTC (e.g. for Europe); a negative value means that the local time is behind
UTC (e.g. for America).
A combination of a LocalDate and an Offset, to represent
a date at a specific offset from UTC but without any time-of-day information.
A local date and time in a particular calendar system, combined with an offset from UTC. This is
broadly similar to System.DateTimeOffset in the BCL.
A combination of a LocalTime and an Offset, to represent
a time-of-day at a specific offset from UTC but without any date information.
A LocalDateTime in a specific time zone and with a particular offset to distinguish
between otherwise-ambiguous instants. A ZonedDateTime is global, in that it maps to a single
Represents a clock which can return the current time as an Instant.
Provides stable, performant time zone data.
Equates the days of the week with their numerical value according to
ISO-8601. This corresponds with System.DayOfWeek except for Sunday, which
is 7 in the ISO numbering and 0 in System.DayOfWeek.
The units within a Period. When a period is created to find the difference between two local values,
the caller may specify which units are required - for example, you can ask for the difference between two dates
in "years and weeks". Units are always applied largest-first in arithmetic.