Time zone database file format

This document describes the Noda Time-specific binary file format that is produced by Noda Time's NodaTime.TzdbCompiler tool. This tool reads the text files from the tz database along with some additional input from CLDR; it produces output in one of two different formats:

  1. a .NET resource file containing a number of different resources (including, for example, one for each time zone), serialized as either an XML (.resx) or compiled (.resources) file. This is the only format accepted by Noda Time 1.0.x. The intention is to remove support for this format in Noda Time 2.0.

  2. a binary file format (the "NodaZoneData" format) that does not depend upon a .NET resource file acting as a container. This is the default format in Noda Time 1.1 and later, and is the only format supported by the Portable Class Library versions of Noda Time.

The formats have some similarities, but can be treated independently. In particular, the resource format supported by Noda Time 1.0.x is effectively frozen, while the NodaZoneData format will evolve as more data is required.

Version compatibility

Most users will just use the version of the database embedded in the Noda Time assembly (which is typically produced with the same version of NodaTime.TzdbCompiler as the Noda Time assembly itself), and so do not need to worry about these details, but as we provide the ability to use a custom compiled time zone database, we document here the compatibility rules between the output produced by different versions of ZoneInfoCompiler/NodaTime.TzdbCompiler and the Noda Time assembly.

In general, these are probably as you would expect: any version of Noda Time must be able to read a compiled time zone database consumed by an earlier version of Noda Time with the same major version number; the reverse, however, is not true.

For example, Noda Time 1.1.x should be able to read the compiled output used by Noda Time 1.0.x and 1.1.x, but would not necessarily be able to read the output used by version 1.2.x. Noda Time 2.x does not necessarily need to be able to read anything consumed by Noda Time 1.x.

(The same is true for the PCL version of Noda Time 1.x, though it is considered a separate development line for the purposes of compatibility, and so does not need to support the same features as the earlier non-PCL versions.)

Note that even though Noda Time must read earlier versions of the compiled database, it does not necessarily need to provide the same level of functionality when doing so as it might when reading a current version. In particular, only calls to methods supported by that earlier version of Noda Time are guaranteed to work; any calls to methods introduced in a later version may require a database compiled by at least that version.

The former is true because semantic versioning requires that we be able to drop a later version of the Noda Time assembly into a running environment without recompiling (or without replacing the compiled time zone database, which might e.g. be embedded in the main executable); the latter statement is true because it is unreasonable to expect that new functionality should work without the new data it may require.

As a consequence, it is reasonable to act as if any functionality introduced in a given version of Noda Time comes with an implicit caveat that it requires a database compiled against at least that version to work.

NodaZoneData format

Compiling the input data using the (default) NodaZoneData option produces a compiled database in the "NodaZoneData" format, with an extension of ".nzd". This is intended as the long-term format, and is designed with more extensibility in mind than the resource file format.

Overall structure

The first four bytes of the file contain the format version number. At the time of this writing, the only supported version number is 0. Not all changes in the future will require a change in version number (as even within a version the format is extensible) but this provides flexibility in the future, where a single binary may be able to read a range of versions. At that point, this document will be extended to give details for each version separately. Each version may be completely independent of previous versions, so may redefine the meaning of particular field IDs, or even contain a different field structure.

After that, the file is simply a sequence of fields. Each field consists of:

  • A field ID (1 byte)
  • The size of the field data, as a count (see details below)
  • The field data

Fields are always stored in ascending order of ID (so later fields may depend on earlier ones). The expected data within each field is governed by its ID.

Serialization primitives

The "NodaZoneData" format makes use of the following serialization primitives:

  • byte, a general 8-bit unsigned integer, simply serialized as a single byte.
  • fixed16, fixed32, and fixed64, general 16-bit, 32-bit, and 64-bit signed integers, simply serialized as 2-, 4-, or 8-byte twos-complement values of the appropriate length, in MSB-first order. For example, 0x1234 would be serialized as the bytes [0x12 0x34] using the fixed16 serialization, while -1 would be serialized as [0xff 0xff]
  • count, a non-negative (typically small) int32 value, serialized as a variably-sized integer: the value is written 7 bits at a time (least significant first), with the highest bit of each byte set if this is not the final byte of the value. For example, the value 0x16a would be serialized as the bytes [0xea 0x02].
  • signed count, a potentially-negative (typically small in magnitude) int32 value, stored in a "ZigZag" encoding: first mapping the signed number to an unsigned number, alternating between signed and unsigned values: 0 maps to 0, -1 maps to 1, 1 maps 2, -2 maps to 3, 2 maps to 4 etc. The result is then written in the same 7-bit encoding as count.
  • string, a UTF-8 encoded text string or entry into a string pool. Each field either has a string pool associated with it or it doesn't. In a field with a string pool, strings are simply stored using the count encoding to specify which entry in the string pool is used. In a field without a string pool, the UTF-8-encoded size of the string is written using the count encoding, then the UTF-8 encoded bytes themselves are written.
  • offset, an int32 value representing a millisecond offset from UTC, with maximum and minimum values of +/-24 hours (exclusive on both sides). The offset is first made positive by simply adding 24 hours, and then the resulting integer is represented in one of four ways, based on how neatly the offset divides into a whole number of larger units. In each case where the representation is more than one byte, the data is written with the most significant bits first. The representations are:
    • A single byte with a top bit of 0, indicating the number of half hours of the offset. (This is by far the most common form.)
    • Two bytes with the top three bits of the first byte set to "100" and the remaining 13 bits indicating the number of minutes in the offset.
    • Three bytes with the top three bits of the first byte set to "101" and the remaining 21 bits indicating the number of seconds in the offset.
    • Four bytes with the top three bits of the first byte set to "110" and the remaining 29 bits indicating the number of milliseconds in the offset.
  • zoneintervaltransition, an encoding for an instant possibly relative to an earlier or equal one. This is used when writing transitions between zone intervals, where the additional context of a previous value helps to reduce the data required. The format is (in order of preference):
    • For Instant.MinValue, a single byte 0.
    • For Instant.MaxValue, a single byte 1.
    • For an instant which is a whole number of hours since the "previous" instant, and that number of hours is in the range [128, 2097152), the format is that number of hours written as a count.
    • For an instant which is a whole number of minutes since 1800-01-01T00:00:00Z, and that number of minutes is in the range [2097152, Int32.MaxValue], the format is that number of minutes written as a count.
    • For any other instant, a single byte 2 followed by a fixed64 value for the number of ticks since the Unix epoch.
  • dictionary, a string-to-string dictionary where no keys or values can be null. This is simply a count number of entries followed by each key/value pair as a string key and string value.


Field 0: String pool

The string pool field is built without reference to a string pool (as otherwise it would be pointless). It is simply a count followed by that many strings. The ordering of the strings is optimized (by running through a lot of the serialization twice) so that the most commonly used strings come earliest. This allows those strings to be represented very efficiently by later fields which use the string pool.

There must be exactly one string pool field.

Field 1: Time zone

The time zone field provides full details of one of the "canonical" time zones in TZDB. (Time zone aliases always eventually refer to a canonical time zone for their data.)

The format depends on the type of time zone. At the time of this writing, there are only two options, described below. In both cases, the format starts with the zone ID (as a string) and then a 1-byte flag to indicate the type.

Fixed time zones (which have a single ZoneInterval covering the whole of time). The flag value for a fixed zone is 1. This is followed by the offset, and as of time zone data generated under Noda Time 2.x, also the name for the zone interval. Noda Time 1.x code will ignore the name part, and always use the time zone ID as the name for the interval. Noda Time 2.x code will read the name if it exists, but default to the ID if the name data isn't present.

Everything else is represented as a PrecalculatedDateTimeZone - a number of abutting ZoneIntervals from the start of time until either the end of time, or some stable period where a pair of rules governing when daylight saving time starts and stops continues until the end of time. This final stable period is the "tail zone" - and is optional, as a zone which ends in a fixed offset can simply represent that as a final zone interval to the end of time.

The flag value for a precalculated zone is 2, and the remaining data is:

  • The number of precalculated zone intervals as a count
  • The zone intervals themselves, each of which has a format of:
    • A zoneintervaltransition from the start of the previous interval (except for the first interval, which has no "previous") to the start of the current one.
    • The string name of the interval
    • The wall offset (i.e. standard + daylight savings)
    • The daylight savings offset
  • A zoneintervaltransition from the start of the final zone interval above to the end of the final interval (which is the start of the tail zone, if there is one, or Instant.MaxValue otherwise).
  • A byte to indicate the presence (1) or absence (0) of a tail zone
  • The tail zone, if the previous flag indicated that one was present, as:
    • The standard offset
    • The string name used for intervals in "standard time"
    • The standard recurrence rule (see below)
    • The string name used for intervals in "daylight saving time"
    • The daylight savings recurrence rule
    • The daylight savings offset (to be added to the standard offset)

A recurrence rule provides data about when a transition occurs. For example, "The first Sunday in October at 1am local time." The format is:

  • A single byte representing four flags:
    • Bits 5-6: the "mode" of the rule, indicating whether transitions are specified relative to:
      • 0: UTC
      • 1: Wall time (local time)
      • 2: Standard time
    • Bits 2-4: the day of the week in which the recurrence starts, where 0 means "not set", and 1 to 7 mean Monday to Sunday respectively.
    • Bit 1: whether the day of month represents an upper bound (0) or lower bound (1); this is only relevant if a day of week is also specified, where the rule might be described as e.g. "first Tuesday on or after the 15th"
    • Bit 0: whether an extra day should be added to the calculation (1) or not (0), to cope with transitions documented as occurring at 24:00 - these may potentially spill into a following month
  • A count (single byte) for the month-of-year in which the rule starts
  • A signed count (single byte) for the day-of-month in which the rule starts, where a negative value indicates the number of days counted from the end of a month. (-1 is the last day of the month, for example.)
  • An offset used (somewhat unconventionally) to indicate the time of day at which the recurrence starts.

This field may occur multiple times, and it always uses the string pool.

Field 2: TZDB version

This is simply a single string representing the version of TZDB being serialized, such as "2013a".

This field must occur exactly once, and it does not use the string pool.

Field 3: ID map

This is a map from alias to canonical ID. So for example, "Europe/Guernsey" maps to "Europe/London". The representation is a single dictionary.

This field must occur exactly once, and it uses the string pool.

Field 4: CLDR mapping between Windows system time zone IDs and TZDB IDs

This field contains the data from the windowsZones.xml file in CLDR. The format is:

  • A string for the mapping version number (currently a string representation of the revision number)
  • A string for the TZDB version the mapping was generated against
  • A string for the Windows time zone version the mapping was generated against
  • A count for the number of "map zones" to follow
  • The map zone data, each of which is:
    • A string for the Windows system time zone ID
    • A string for the territory ID
    • A count for the number of TZDB IDs in this mapping
    • The TZDB IDs, each as a string

This field must occur exactly once, and it uses the string pool.

Field 5: Additional information for Windows mapping (obsolete)

This field is only present for the sake of the PCL (1.x) versions, and is not loaded in 2.x. It contains a mapping from Windows TimeZoneInfo standard name (in the en-US locale) to TZDB ID for those time zones where the two differ. (There are only a few.) This is required as the PCL doesn't expose the TimeZoneInfo.Id property.

The field data is a single dictionary. It must occur exactly once, and it uses the string pool.

Field 6: Zone location information

This field provides the information in the iso3166.tab and zone.tab files within TZDB, which contain geographical information about time zones. Applications can use this to offer users a choice of time zones in a friendlier way than using the TZDB ID... although the information is only provided in English.

The field data consists of a count of elements, then the elements themselves. Each element consists of:

  • A signed count for the latitude of the sample location, as an integer number of seconds.
  • A signed count for the longitude of the sample location, as an integer number of seconds.
  • A string for the name of the country.
  • A string for the ISO-3166 two-letter country code.
  • A (possibly empty) string for the comment associated with the location (usually used to disambiguate between locations in the same country).

Field 7: "Zone1970" locations

This field provides the information in the iso3166.tab and zone1970.tab files within TZDB.

The field data consists of a count of elements, then the elements themselves. Each element consists of:

  • A signed count for the latitude of the sample location, as an integer number of seconds.
  • A signed count for the longitude of the sample location, as an integer number of seconds.
  • A signed count for the number of countries.
  • For each country:
    • A string for the name of the country.
    • A string for the ISO-3166 two-letter country code.
  • A string for the zone ID.
  • A (possibly empty) string for the comment associated with the location (usually used to disambiguate between locations in the same country).

Resource file format

Compiling the input data using the Resource or ResX options produces a compiled database in the resource file format native to Noda Time 1.0.x. This is represented as a .NET resource file containing many resources: one resource for each time zone, and four additional meta-information resources.

The four meta-information resources, and their resource keys, are:

  • --meta-VersionId, a String resource containing the tzdb version ID (e.g. "2012i")
  • --meta-IdMap, a byte[] resource containing a serialized dictionary (see below for the definition of these types), mapping all known time zone IDs (aliases and non-aliases) to a non-alias time zone ID
  • --meta-WindowsToPosix, a byte[] resource containing a serialized dictionary, mapping Windows time zone names to the corresponding tzdb time zone ID
  • --meta-WindowsToPosixVersion, a String resource containing the revision number of the Windows mapping data (e.g. "7825")

Each non-alias time zone is represented by a byte[] resource containing a serialized timezone. The name of the resource is derived from the time zone ID, with (theoretically) some substitutions for invalid characters. (The substitutions are not documented here, since they do not actually appear to be used in practice; for example, the name of the Europe/London resource is simply "Europe/London", and the same appears to be true for all other time zones as of the 2012i tzdb).

All of these resources may (theoretically) contain extra appended data not mentioned below; readers do not confirm that the end of the resource was reached when all the data they know how to read has been consumed.

Serialization primitives

The resource file format uses the following serialization primitives:

  • byte, a general 8-bit unsigned integer
  • fixed16, fixed32, and fixed64, general 16-bit, 32-bit, and 64-bit signed integers
  • count, a non-negative (typically small) int32 value
  • offset, an int32 value representing a millisecond offset from UTC
  • string, a UTF-8 encoded text string
  • dictionary, a dictionary with string keys and values
  • timezone, a serialized time zone (with several variants and subtypes, documented below)

Of these, only dictionary and timezone are used directly; the others are used as part of the definitions of these types, below.


A byte is simply serialized as a single byte representing a value in the range 0..255.

fixed16, fixed32, fixed64

fixed16, fixed32, and fixed64 are simply serialized as 2-, 4-, or 8-byte twos-complement values of the appropriate length, in MSB-first order. For example, 0x1234 would be serialized as the bytes [0x12 0x34] using the fixed16 serialization, while -1 would be serialized as [0xff 0xff].


A count encodes a non-negative (typically small) int32 value; it is serialized as a variable number of bytes according to the following scheme:

  • values 0x00..0x8e are serialized as a single byte; values to 0x0e are serialized as 0xf0..0xfe, while 0x0f..0x8e is serialized as 0x00..0x7f
  • 0x8f..0x408e is serialized as two bytes, by subtracting 0x8f and then encoding the resulting (00x3fff) value using the byte 0x80..0xbf for the MSB, followed by the LSB
  • 0x408f..0x20408e is serialized as three bytes, by subtracting 0x408f and then encoding the resulting (00x1fffff) value as the byte 0xc0..0xdf for the MSB, followed by the next two bytes in MSB-first order (i.e. as a fixed16)
  • 0x20408f..0x1020408e is serialized as four bytes, by subtracting 0x20408f (giving 00x0fffffff), adding 0xe0000000, and then encoding the resulting (0xe00000000xefffffff) value as a fixed32
  • larger values are serialized as five bytes, as the leader 0xff followed by the value as a fixed32


An offset encodes an int32 value representing an offset in milliseconds from UTC. While the encoding below can in theory represent any int32 value, the use in Noda Time is solely for values in the range (-24 hours, +24 hours); commonly for 'round' numbers of minutes, etc.

An offset is serialized as a variable-length field as follows:

  • offsets that are a multiple of 30 minutes are serialized as the single byte 0x10..0x6e counting the number of 30 minute periods, with a bias such that 0x10 represents an offset of -23:30, 0x11 represents -23:00, 0x3f represents a zero offset, and 0x6e represents the offset +23:30
  • offsets that are a whole number of seconds are serialized as three bytes, the first of which is in the range 0x82..0x85, by adding 0x83ffff to the number of seconds, and writing three bytes in MSB-first order, so that [0x82 0xae 0x80] represents -23:59:59, [0x84 0x00 0x00] represents +00:00:01, and [0x85 0x51 0x7e] represents +23:59:59
  • any other offset is serialized as the leader 0xfd followed by the number of milliseconds as a fixed32

(The serialization method used additionally defines an encoding for 'out-of-range' offsets, but these cannot occur in practice, as the underlying C# data type restricts the range of the offset to that described above.)


A string is serialized as a count of the number of UTF-8 bytes in the string followed by those bytes.


A dictionary is serialized as a count number of entries in the dictionary, followed by that number of pairs of string key and string value.


A timezone encodes a complete definition for a single time zone, excluding the ID; it is represented in one of a few different forms depending on the type of the time zone. The serialized format may be any of the following:

  • 0x00 followed by another timezone, indicating that the following time zone (in practice, always one of type 0x04) should have information about zone transitions cached at runtime if possible
  • 0x01 followed by a daylightsavingstimezone, representing a time zone with a standard and DST offset, and simple recurrence rules for each transition
  • 0x02 followed by an offset, representing a time zone with a fixed offset (and no DST); this is used natively when encoding time zones with no DST (such as "Etc/UTC") and as part of the composite "pre-calculated" time zone
  • 0x03, representing 'no time zone' (only used when encoding an absent 'tail zone' for a pre-calculated zone)
  • 0x04 followed by a precalculatedtimezone, representing a zone that expands all known transitions explicitly, up to an optional 'tail zone' representing a final (possibly DST-using) stable state


A daylightsavingstimezone is serialized as an offset containing the standard offset followed by the DST zonerecurrence and the standard time (non-DST) zonerecurrence. The DST recurrence contains an offset that is the additional delta from the standard offset for daylight savings time (usually positive, but sometimes zero); the standard time recurrence is guaranteed to have a zero offset.


A zonerecurrence is serialized as the string name of the recurrence (e.g. "PST"), the offset containing the offset of this recurrence, a description of when the recurrence occurs (the 'year offset'), and finally two count values indicating the (inclusive) years the recurrence covers, where a zero start year indicates a recurrence that starts at the beginning of time.

(Note that 1.0 versions of NodaTime serialized the 'beginning of time' as the year int32.MinValue instead of zero. The two should be treated equally.)

The 'year offset' is:

  • a count indicating whether transitions are relative to UTC (0), the 'wall' (daylight savings) offset (1), or the standard offset (2)
  • a count of the month-of-year in which this recurrence starts, with a bias such that 13 represents January and 24 represents December
  • a count of the day-of-month in which this recurrence starts; values from 0..30 indicate a number of days [-31..-1] counted from the end of a (31 day) month (in practice, only 30 is used, to represent 'last [day-of-week] of the month'), while values from 32..62 represent the number of days [1..31] counted from the start of the month
  • a count of the day of week in which this recurrence start, with a bias such that 7 represents 'no day', and 8..13 represent Monday..Sunday
  • a byte indicating whether the day of month represents an upper bound (0) or lower bound (1); this is only relevant if a day of week is also specified, where the rule might be described as e.g. "first Tuesday on or after the 15th"
  • an offset representing the (non-negative) time of day that the recurrence starts
  • a byte indicating whether an additional day should be added to the calculation (1) or not (0), to cope with transitions documented as occurring at 24:00 - these may potentially spill into a following month


A precalculatedtimezone is serialized as a string pool, a sequence of zoneinterval periods representing an expansion of all known transitions before the rules stabilize, and an optional 'tail zone' representing a final stable state. There is no tail zone if the final state is fixed (if the overall zone has stopped observing DST); otherwise, it's a daylightsavingstimezone with a pair of rules which extend to the end of time.


  • a per-time-zone string pool containing all the names of the intervals (e.g. "PST") used in this zone, as a count of the number of entries in the pool, followed by that number of string values
  • a count of the number of precalculated periods, followed by that number of zoneinterval values
  • a zoneintervaltransition for the tail zone (as the end of time if there is no tail zone)
  • a timezone representing the tail zone, in practice always either of type 0x03 (no tail zone) or 0x01 (daylightsavingstimezone).

A zoneinterval is serialized as the zoneintervaltransition representing the start of the transition (the beginning of time for the first one), an index into the zone's interval name string pool, as either byte or fixed32 depending on the total number of entries in the pool, an offset representing the wall-time offset from UTC (including any daylight savings time) and a second offset representing the daylight savings contribution (or zero if the period is not a daylight savings period).

The periods serialized as part of a precalculatedtimezone cover the whole of time, so each zoneinterval finishes as the next one starts (or as the tail zone starts).


A zoneintervaltransition represents an instant at which a transition begins. It is serialized as a variable number of bytes according to the following scheme, based on the (signed) number of ticks from the Unix epoch:

  • The beginning of time and end of time are serialized as 0xfe and 0xff respectively.
  • Numbers of ticks that are a multiple of 30 minutes are serialized as the single byte 0x00..0x3e counting the number of 30 minute periods, with a bias such that 0x00 represents -15:30, 0x01 represents -15:00, 0x1f represents a zero offset, and 0x3e represents the +15:30. Values outside this range are serialized as one of the forms below.
  • Numbers of ticks that are a whole number of minutes are serialized as a fixed32 representing a 30 bit value with the top two bits of the fixed32 set to 01. The 30 bit value is the number of minutes, with a bias such that 0x00000000 represents -0x1fffff minutes. (This is about 4 years. Note that this is shorter than the intended span of about 1000 years, due to a bug; the bug cannot now be fixed due to compatibility issues.) Values outside the +/-4 year range are serialized as one of the forms below.
  • Numbers of ticks that are a whole number of seconds are serialized as a byte followed by a fixed32, combined to represent a 40 bit value with the top two bits of the first byte set to 10. The 40 bit value is the number of seconds, with a bias such that 0x0000000000 represents 0x1fffffffffL seconds. This is about 4355 years. Values outside the +/-4355 year range are serialized as one of the forms below.
  • Any other value is written as a single byte 0xc0 followed by a fixed64 with the number of ticks.